Random Notes

The usual suspects for the week.

No. 1

Succession Planning

Note: This source (linked) has not been vetted. However, it could be one of many to come; therefore, it’s included in the list.

One more brick in the wall showing major corporations all on the same script.

A script like ‘we’re all in this together’ popping up instantly nationwide. Now, we have those same entities planning to replace all those who have been injected.

No, it’s not the ones who have refused but those who willingly lined up (in most cases except children) to limit, or eliminate their lifespan.

Just in case the first link may not have the right pedigree, here’s one showing that Goldman Sachs wants to know your ‘status’.

The mainstream paints it as working to ‘be safe’ (and get injected).

It really may be to identify who needs to be replaced.

No. 2

Lumber Crash, Economy Next?

That was the update for June 5th. Now, we have the mainstream report.

Hidden within the article is a miss-statement or outright lie:

“With that being said, when you think about the amount of housing we’re going to have to build in the U.S. over the next three, five, 10 years, that’s a significant amount of demand for wood products.”

Sorry … anybody with two studs rubbing together knows there’ll be no lumber demand … except for coffins … but then again, FEMA got that worked out years ago.

No. 3

Food Supply Controlled Demolition

Ice Age Farmer bats-a-thousand as he puts out two reports here and here discussing the latest salvo in food supply destruction.

He’s been on the forefront; politely admonishing his viewers to get going with their own food production.

Anyone who’s done so in a serious way realizes quickly, there’s a big learning curve to get a private garden up to maximum production.

It takes years as the first harvest needs to produce seeds acclimated to the local region. After that, they come up like weeds.

Logically then, one needs enough stored food to last for one year.

What’s in your pantry?

No. 4

Take heed that ye be not deceived

Even though this link contains a presentation on what may be truth, the poster Rogersings NWO News! , notes correctly (in his comments below the post) there’s something wrong.

To put it succinctly:

I am the way, the truth and the life …

From this site’s perspective (The Danger Point), the presentation above allows these two (Madej and Stone), to be crossed off the list of truth sources.

Just listen to the new age lingo. What a load of bollocks.

Enough said.

No. 5

Clown Show at The G7

A world of illusion.

Is the ‘elbow bump’ just a new version of this salute?

No. 6

Priced Out of The Market

Jerimiah Babe presents (time stamp 5:38) that this firm, article linked here, has decided to take the money and run.

The middle class is priced-out for now. However, if the U.S. population craters over the next three years, won’t the joke be on them?

No. 7

It’s Tough Being An Idiot

First, they tell me I can’t travel unless I get injected.

Of course, I ‘follow the rules’ and do the right thing; get myself injected.

Now, they tell me I can’t travel because I’ve been injected.

Personal anecdote (skip to No. 8, if not interested)

Way back, right about the time Mask on, Mask off, was posted, I had a conversation with the Janitor at the local home improvement store.

Just to be clear, restrooms at these outfits are some of the most disgusting I’ve ever seen; Worse than your typical Allsup’s gas station on Hwy 287, heading to Amarillo.

This guy was South American and had lived in Brazil. During our conversation, he proceeded to tell me the ‘speck’ was a hoax. He said it was just like the propaganda being pumped out down there before elections.

His comments were additional confirmation of my own research.

The point here, he’s not ‘educated’.

He works for minimum wage, cleans up never ending human excrement from the floor and yet, he’s awake to the lies and deception.

At the same store, you can find a middle-aged ‘lot loader’ gathering shopping carts in the parking lot.

Talking with him about current events has him quoting Revelation.

So what gives?

I’ve heard one presenter (Amazing Polly, if memory serves) say that ‘stupidity is a choice’.

It’s uncomfortable to recognize and act on truth. It’s much easier to stay in the crowd where we’re all safely injected.

Therefore, our rule following traveler above chooses stupidity rather than the raw edge of reality; that reality is, nothing … absolutely nothing, is ‘safe’.

In their intentionally compromised mind, they’ve convinced themselves they’re doing the ‘right thing‘.

So be it:

The difference is, they have to stay home now as they’re not allowed to travel anymore.

No. 8

Color Blind

Two moms are filmed testifying in front of school boards.

The links are here and here.

One topic is more intense than the other; taking that part into account and closing your eyes, you will not be able to tell which one of the mom’s is black.

Just from watching, you can tell they both have character and courage. They are well spoken and educated.

Those are the exact things ‘the world‘ seeks to destroy.

Stay Tuned

Note:  Posts on this site are for education purposes only.  They provide one firm’s insight on the markets.  Not investment advice.  See additional disclaimer here.